CH Open Hauptversammlung 2023
Die CH Open Hauptversammlung findet am Mittwoch, 15. März 2023 ab 15:30 Uhr an der Berner Fachhochschule Wirtschaft, Brückenstrasse 73 im Marzili in Bern statt.
Unser Programm
ab 15:30 Uhr
Eintreffen der Teilnehmenden
16:00 Uhr
Begrüssung Matthias Stürmer, Präsident CH Open
16:10 Uhr
Inputreferat - "Digital Public Goods"
Chrissy Martin Meier, Director of the Charter for Digital Public Goods
Co-led by the Digital Impact Alliance and the DPGA, the DPG Charter is an advocacy campaign which is in line with the UN Secretary-General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, and the activities of the Global Digital Compact and the 2024 Summit of the Future.
Chrissy will speak as to why international donors and governments are coming together to make digital public goods a more viable option for digital public infrastructure. In doing so, she will outline the content of the DPG Charter vision and commitment framework which was informed by consultations with 100+ individuals working in 20+ countries. These consultations identified a number of focus areas and potential gaps that can be addressed through collective action, improving the current and future state of digital public infrastructure.
>> Inputreferat von Chrissy Meier - DPG Charter
Chrissy Martin Meier is a recognized thought leader in digital development, with over a decade of experience managing complex initiatives which deliver positive results for people. Currently the Director of the Charter for Digital Public Goods (DPG Charter), Chrissy is drawing on her extensive technical expertise gained through working with organizations including the World Bank (CGAP, ID4D and G2Px), the Swiss Capacity Building Facility (SCBF), GIZ, the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion, USAID and many others.
She began her career in the private sector, launching the first mobile money product in Haiti with the telecommunications company Digicel and driving consumer insights for the start-up mobile payments company Zoona. She has worked in Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Ghana. A graduate of the University of Virginia and The Fletcher School at Tufts University, Chrissy now lives with her family in Vaud.
16:40 Uhr
Statutarische Traktanden - CH Open Vorstand & Geschäftsführung
- Rück- und Ausblick der Vereinstätigkeiten
- Information zur Stimmenzählung
- Abnahme Protokoll 2022
- Finanzbericht
- Mitgliederbeiträge 2024
- Verabschiedung und Wahlen Präsidium / Vorstand
- Varia
>> Präsentation der Hauptversammlung 2023 als PDF
17:30 Uhr
Apéro und Ausklang