Association for the promotion of open source software and open standards in Switzerland


Bern, 26.06.2024

Open Source Software ist allgegenwärtig –neu auch in der künstlichen Intelligenz

Open Source Software steht für Innovation, verbessert die Interoperabilität, stärkt den Datenschutz und erhöht die digitale Souveränität. Dies zeigt die Open Source Studie Schweiz 2024 von CH Open und swissICT, durchgeführt von der Berner Fachhochschule. Erstmals wurde dieses Jahr auch die Anwendung von Open Source KI-Tools und KI-Modellen untersucht: Bereits 40% der befragten Firmen und Behörden setzen «Open Source AI» ein. Vorgestellt wurden die detaillierten Resultate am 26. Juni 2024 in Zürich.


Digital Economy Award 2024: Nominierungsphase gestartet

Auch dieses Jahr lädt swissICT am 14. November im Hallenstadion Zürich zur Preisverleihung des Digital Economy Award in sechs Kategorien, wenn es wieder heisst: «and the winner is…». Doch bevor die Preisverleihung der Awards an die wichtigsten digitalen Leuchttürme der Schweiz vollzogen werden kann, werden die Tore für Bewerbungen aus der Schweizer Digitalwirtschaft geöffnet. Anmelden können sich Bewerber:innen via bis zum 15. Mai 2024.




Open Business Apéro in St. Gallen

Während des Apéros möchten wir den ungezwungenen Austausch unseres Netzwerks fördern. Seien Sie dabei und tauschen Sie sich bei einem feinen Apéro über die aktuellsten und neuesten Themen rund um Open Source Software in der Schweiz aus.


CH Open Business Café – OBC

Neuigkeiten zu Open Source und ein Kaffee - beim CH Open Business Café tauschen wir uns über die aktuellsten Open Source Themen aus. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein daran unverbindlich teilzunehmen und mitzudiskutieren.


Open Source AI

Open Source AI Studie Schweiz 2024: Key Findings und der Weg zu Multi-Model Strategien

Working Groups

CH Open Business Apéro - OBA

Find out the latest about Open Source with a glass of wine or beer - at the CH Open Business Apéro we discuss exciting topics related to Open Source. Take part without obligation, you are cordially invited!

CH Open Business Café - OBC

News about open source and a coffee - at the CH Open Business Café we exchange ideas about the latest open source topics. We cordially invite you to take part and participate in the discussion without obligation.

CH Open Business Lunch - OBL

At lunchtime, CH Open sponsors and interested parties regularly offer short lectures on the subject of Open Source. Be there and exchange ideas with the participants over the meal afterwards.


Digital transformation is ubiquitous. That is why we hold the conference on digital sustainability and also present the DINAcon Awards to recognize the courage and innovative strength of companies, authorities, communities, developers and people.

Open Education Day

Are you a teacher or responsible for school IT? Take this opportunity and learn, thanks to a variety of presentations and workshops, how you can introduce or promote Open Source.

OSS Directory

Are you looking for attractive offers on the subject of open source? On the OSS Directory platform you will find the latest news, events, companies, products, jobs and much more. Take a look at the platform or make entries yourself!


The association Parldigi promotes the sustainable use of information and communication technologies and advocates public access to knowledge.

Workshop days

During the popular three-day conference, you can attend one of the numerous workshops every day. Deepen your knowledge and deal with the current state of IT.

Video conference server with BigBlueButton

The open source video conference server with BigBlueButton was launched by CH Open in Corona Lockdown in April 2020 and is very popular.

Open Education Server

The Open Education Server is a Nextcloud instance with Libre Office and Nextcloud Talk developed for the simple exchange of documents in schools.

Our members

5 Honorary member

184 Individual Member

11 Member in education

52 Collective member



Are you looking for attractive offers on the subject of open source?
On this platform you will find the latest news, events, companies, products, jobs and much more. Stop by or make entries yourself.

Open source professionals wanted!
Find your suitable position!

Are you looking for a job or do you need an open source professional?
On this platform you can publish job offers or get in contact with job providers.

About CH Open

Executive Board

The board members volunteer for CH Open. See here who are behind it.

CH Open members

Thanks to our loyal members, we have been promoting open source since 1982. Our premium members make it possible through their extra contribution that new ideas can arise.


The statutes of CH Open are divided into twelve individual points. Read through the points here.


CH Open publishes press releases regularly. Take a look at all previous releases here.


Do you have a question for CH Open? Please contact us. We look forward to your message.

Become a member!

Become a CH Open member and benefit from attractive price discounts on our chargeable events.
The Java User Group Switzerland ( and swissICT usually grant you the same conditions as their own members.