Executive Board

9 board members are currently volunteering for CH Open. Each of these members is responsible for a working group or supports the association in, for example, political or legal aspects.

Would you like to continue networking with other open source interested parties in your region ? Contact the relevant board member, be happy to promote or we can organize an event with you and look forward to ideas.

Our board members

Matthias Günter_bw

Dr. Matthias GünterVize-Präsident

Gnostx GmbH

Region: Bern

Barbara Dravec_bw

Barbara DravecKassierin


Region: Zürich

Jörg Berkel_sw

Jörg BerkelVorstand Open Education Day

Miro Dietiker_bw

Miro DietikerVorstand DINAcon

MD Systems GmbH

Region: Zürich

Olivier Brian_bw

Olivier BrianVorstand Workshop-Tage


Region: Bern

Markus Danhel

Markus DanhelVorstand DINAcon


Region: Zürich

Markus Tiede_bw

Markus TiedeVorstand Workshop-Tage

Berner Fachhochschule

Region: Bern, Deutschland

Simon Schlauri_bw

Prof. Dr. Simon SchlauriVorstandsmitglied

Ronzani Schlauri Anwälte

Region: Zürich und St. Gallen




Francois MarthalerVorstandsmitglied

Why ! open computing SA

Region: Lausanne

Maximilian Vomhof_sw

Maximilian VomhofVorstandsmitglied

Open source construction

Region: Zürich

Christoph Schmid_bw

Christoph SchmidVorstandsmitglied

Peter Mumenthaler_bw

Peter MumenthalerVorstandsmitglied

Red Hat

Region: Bern, Zürich